Senior Story Producer
Wrote and followed story development, managed daily schedules, prepped cast members and secondary characters
Wrote hot sheets and story beats
Primary liaison between the cast and executives
Story Producer (Emmy Award Winner)
Produced and followed story development, managed schedules for cast members and secondary characters
Contributed story notes on a daily basis, and developed dating activities
Field Producer
Cast, followed story development, wrote pitches, and created one sheets to pitch to networks
Worked closely with the director and location representative
Supervised talent and shot them in reality situations, contributed story notes on a daily basis, and conducted OTF (on the fly) interviews
Talent Manager/Producer
Primary liaison between a cast of 14 contestants, the executives and producers
Managed a teams of coordinators, talent production assistants and the day to day schedule of the cast
Managed a budget, reviewed and approved invoices from Accounts Payable
Casting Director + Producer
Scheduled, conducted, videotaped as well as in-person interviews with applicants in various cities, and selected applicants to send to network executive producers for approval
Created and placed casting call advertisements, planned all logistical details for casting calls
Wrote one sheets, edited and assisted with casting cuts